McKendree West Apartments Building

McKendree West

Built in the 1980s and 1990s, McKendree West is an apartment style residential area with each apartment consisting of two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a full kitchen, and living and dining spaces. It is co-ed by apartment and located a half mile from campus, with transportation to main campus via the Bogey Bus. McKendree West residents also have access to the outdoor courts and clubhouse which houses a pool table and laundry facilities, and can be used for study groups, meetings, programs, individual studying, and socializing.

Layout: Apartment style housing with two bedrooms to each apartment (2 students/bedroom)
Capacity: 480
Floors: 3 floors/building
Duty Cell Phone: (618) 975-4386

 Room Information


McKendree West Photo Gallery    Apartment Guide





McKendree West Staff

 Professional Staff

AC Shaquille Armstrong


Shaquille Armstrong

Area Coordinator
McKendree West Clubhouse
(618) 537-6406 




SRA Kinsey Vergason


Kinsey Vergason

Senior Resident Assistant
McKendree West Clubhouse
(618) 537-6808





Student Staff

RA Sydney Kane

  Sydney Kane

  Building 1201 RA

RA Brianna Sarver

  Brianna Sarver

  Building 1203 RA

RA Elise Johnson

  Elise Johnson

  Building 1205 RA

RA Ben Anderson

  Ben Anderson

  Building 1207 RA

 RA Jay Miller

  Jay Miller

  Building 1211 RA

RA Cadin Colehour

  Cadin Colehour

  Building 1213 RA

RA Tyler Haynes

  Tyler Haynes

  Building 1215 RA

RA Rhian Dobinson

  Rhian Dobinson

  Building 1217 RA

RA Lucas Wendling

  Lucas Wendling

  Building 1219A RA

RA Belle Norwood

  Isabelle Norwood

  Building 1219B RA

SAM Sean Harper

   Sean Harper

   Student Academic


