Hunter Street

Hunter Street is an apartment style residential area with each apartment consisting of two bedrooms and one bathroom, a full kitchen, and living room space. It is co-ed by apartment, with laundry facilities located in the basement of each building, and is conveniently located 1 block West of campus on Hunter Street.

Layout: Apartment style housing with two bedrooms to each apartment (3 students/apartment)
Capacity: 24
Floors: 2 floors/building
Duty Cell Phone: (618) 304-6366

Room Information

 Hunter Street Photo Gallery Apartment Guide





General Measurements: 

Each room may have some slight variation, but these general measurements are the average.

Room Dimensions -

    • Living Room - # ft. wide by # ft. long
    • Single-Occupancy Bedroom - # ft. wide by # ft. long 
    • Double-Occupancy Bedroom - # ft. wide by # ft. long

Bedroom - 

    • Closet - # in. high, # in. wide, # in. deep
    • Desk - 30 in. high, 48 in. wide, and 42 in. wide
    • Dressers - 30 in. tall, 30 in. wide, and 20 in. deep
    • Bed - 38 in wide by 83 in. long
        • Height - Adjustable between minimum 6 in. to maximum 42 in. from floor, bunkable
    • Mattresses - Extra Long Twin

Security - 

    • Students will use their key to enter the building.
    • Students will be given a key to their mailbox and a key for their apartment.  The mailboxes are located in the vestibule of Residence Hall West.
    • The bedrooms have push button locks, but are not lockable with keys - these bedroom doors can only be locked while a student is in the bedroom.

Features of Note - 

    • Each student is provided a bed, dresser, desk, desk chair, and closet space.
    • All other furniture (such as a kitchen table, couches etc) must be provided by the residents. We recommend speaking with the roommates about who is providing what. Roommate information can be found in the Res Life Portal via MyMcK. 
    • There is no lighting in the living room.  There are wall outlets that are connected to a light switch so stand lamps are highly encouraged for the living room space.

Hunter Street Staff

 Professional Staff

Quenton Gilmore


Quenton Gilmore

Area Coordinator
Res Halls East/West, The Suites, & Hunter St. Apts.
Residence Hall East 311

(618) 537-3688 



SRA Xander McWhorter


Xander McWhorter

Senior Resident Assistant
Res Halls East/West, The Suites, & Hunter St. Apts.
Residence Hall East 311





RA Marvin Phipps



Marvin Phipps 
Resident Assistant





