Computing Graduates in High Demand

Computing StudentFrom software developers to cyber security analysts to video game designers, the opportunities are endless for graduates in the growing field of Computing. In addition to a booming job market in this area, McKendree’s unique support system, experienced Computing faculty, and outside-the-classroom learning opportunities give you an advantage that ensures success.

Glance through the list of Computing jobs in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and you’ll find that nearly every one of them is anticipated to grow faster than average over the next 10 years. Information security analyst jobs are expected to rise by an impressive 32% and software developers by 21%. As technology becomes increasingly integral to our daily lives, the level of job security in Computing will remain among the highest fields to date.

Equally noteworthy is the higher-than-average salary for Computing jobs. Graduates in this field frequently pay off student loan debt faster than others, primarily because they start off earning more right after graduating with their Bachelor’s degree. As of 2018, the median salary of computer and information technology professionals was more than $86,000, compared to a median of $38,000 for all other jobs.

McKendree Job Placement Rate in Computing

For McKendree Computing graduates, the hot job market has already had immediate effects on how quickly they find employment after graduation. In fact, many of our Computing students receive job offers months before they complete their degree, whether from a company in which they interned or elsewhere. Our Computing Division is proud of the fact that 100% of their graduates have consistently obtained jobs in their desired career field over the last decade.

McKendree’s prime location near St. Louis also enables our students to find unique internships and employment at a wide variety of major national corporations and government entities, such as Ameren, Enterprise, BAE, Boeing, and the Federal Reserve Bank. Recently, St. Louis has also become a central hub for tech start-ups as Silicon Valley investors have expanded into the Midwest. Whether you’re interested in a career at a large company or an innovative new start-up, McKendree students are in close proximity to it all.

Customized Real-World Projects Give You Experience Outside the Classroom

Designed to fully prepare you for life in the professional world, our Computing programs are rooted in coursework that challenges you to think in new ways, as well as opportunities to apply that knowledge and build your skills outside the classroom.

The STARK program (Student Training and Real-World Knowledge) gives Computing students the chance to explore areas in which they’re most interested, such as 3-D scanning, virtual reality, video game development, data science, and website building. All it takes is expressing a desire to gain more experience in a particular topic, and our faculty seek to find a project specifically for you.

Clubs and Honor Societies Give You Even More Experience

Interested in robotics? How about cyber security? We have a club for that. Grow your skills in these exciting areas while working with your fellow McKendree students to compete against teams from other schools. Our Cyber Defense Team was formed just two years ago, but has already placed in the top five at the Midwest Regional Cyber Defense Competition.

McKendree’s Robotics Team, the Association for Computing Machinery, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon National Computing Honor Society are all great resume-building activities and organizations that give you experience before you even graduate.

Close Learning Community

Another way we ensure your success is in the strong support network and learning community thriving within McKendree’s Computing Division. Here you’ll find upper-level Computing students leading peer tutoring sessions, as well as professors who know you by name and are available to work with you outside of class.

“The tech industry touches everything, so a lot of our students enter the Computing Division not sure what exactly they want to do,” said Dr. CJ Dulaney, Assistant Professor of Computing. “By working on real-world projects and forming close relationships with professors and peers, they are exposed to a lot of different areas in Computing, whether it’s a senior talking about his/her internship or a professor pointing them in a direction they feel they’re excelling. Learning opportunities can happen anywhere, and we learn best when we’re connected to others.”