Anh Vu '15

Photo of Anh Vu
What's your name?

Anh Quynh Vu

Where are you from?

Hanoi, Vietnam

What are you studying?

Business Administration & Management

Where are you living at McKendree?

Barnett Hall

What do you like to do?

Read, cook, travel, listen to music.

Why did you decide to study in the U.S.?

My parents want me to get a diploma in the U.S. to help me get a really good job when I come back to Vietnam.

Why did you choose McKendree University?

I chose McKendree University because it was the closest place from my host family and the University also gave me grant to attend.

What do you think of McKendree University?

When I first stepped on campus, I was surprised because it was really different than what I thought it would be. It's small, but really, really nice.

What's one of the best things about McKendree University?

The best thing about McKendree is that it's small. I only have about 10 people in my class, so I actually get to know everyone. I also get to to work closer with my professor. Everyone here is very nice, and I can get help anytime I need it.

What was your prior school experience?

I had 11 years in Vietnam before I applied for the exchange program in the United States. I got accepted and went to Centralia High School (Illinois) during my senior year.




Contact International Admission


Photo of Madeline KuperMadeline Kuper

International Admission Counselor

(618) 537-6400 or +1-618-537-6400




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