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Lincoln Academy Student Laureate

Caleb Shipley '21Inspired by his faith and desire to make a positive impact, a call to service has been a key part of the college experience for Caleb Shipley ’21. The elementary and special education major is McKendree University’s Student Laureate, the state’s highest student honor for leadership, service and excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities. The Lincoln Academy of Illinois gives the Abraham Lincoln Civic Engagement Award annually to a noteworthy senior from each college and university in Illinois.

Caleb has been a student ambassador, First-Year Introduction group leader, and member of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Eta Sigma academic honor societies. He earned Academic All-Conference honors for three years as a Bearcat football student-athlete. As the Fellowship of Christian Athletes president, he organized a “Fields of Faith” worship and testimonial service which drew more than 100 participants in 2019.

He is eager to become a devoted mentor to young people as he begins his special education teaching and coaching career. “I want to integrate more of the special education community into drama, athletics, music, and any other extracurricular activity,” he said. “My goal for my career is to positively impact as many lives as possible.”