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A 'Voter Friendly Campus'

McKendree’s ongoing commitment to civic and electoral engagement has earned is a “Voter Friendly Campus” designation by two national nonpartisan organizations, the Campus Vote Project and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.

The Bearcats Vote team held several voter registration drives, socially distanced presidential debate-watching gatherings and informative events about the candidates and issues before the Nov. 3 general election. On-campus resident student voters and residents of three local precincts cast their ballots at the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts polling place.

“We’ll continue to encourage our students to register and then vote, including during local and midterm elections as well,” said Dr. Ann Collins, professor of political science, who oversees the initiative with Jennifer Funk, M.A.Ed. ‘14, public services librarian. “It’s so important for students to realize the power of their voice and then vote at all levels of government. More and more students are beginning to understand that.”