The McKendrean Magazine - Summer 2022

A Message from President Dobbins

Pictured Above: McKendree celebrated its brightest graduates by holding its very first Summa Cum Laude reception at the Stevenson House. Pictured left to right (front): Erika Axtell ’22; Kale Oglesby ’22; Ashleigh McKinley ’22; Dr. Dawn Hankins; Jessica Hoffmann ’22; Shelby Summer ’22; Mark Branz ’22; Dr. Jenny Mueller; (back): Dr. Tami Eggleston, provost; Colby Price ’22; Dr. Guy Boysen; Dr. Vincent Dunlap; Dr. Martha Eggers; Kim Joggerst; Hallie Dixon ’22; Nathan Townsend; Dr. Alan Alewine, associate provost; President Daniel C. Dobbins ’81.Dear Campus Community, Alumni and Friends of McKendree,

As summer break begins to wind down, our faculty and staff are preparing themselves for another successful and memorable academic year. I find myself eagerly awaiting convocation and meeting the newest Bearcats who will make up the Class of 2026. This ceremony celebrates the start of each academic year. It represents a new beginning and a time for hope and promise. Each time I step to the podium to address these students, I am filled with pride and excitement, and I recommit myself to the mission of this great University— providing a high-quality educational experience to outstanding students.

As McKendree draws ever nearer to its 200th anniversary in 2028, we are pleased to see that the University is growing. During this past year, we have partnered with the community colleges in Southern Illinois by entering into articulation agreements, which help us become even more transfer-friendly. We are also welcoming more Bearcats from our own backyard, thanks to the successful launch of our latest initiative, Clear Path. Families throughout Southern Illinois have taken note of our message: that receiving an excellent education by attending McKendree is possible and at a cost in line with area public universities. We are excited to see these new students choose McKendree to find their unique paths.

While our University continues to flourish, I can’t help looking back and thinking about where we were two decades ago. As the University was only beginning to dream about its very own center for the arts, it began offering students graduate degree programs starting in 2004. From there, our offerings only continued to expand into the robust, relevant programs that they are today. You can read all about the history of our graduate degrees, where they are going, and just how they are shaping our local communities.

Documentation of our beloved University’s history and growth is important as we look back fondly on how far we have really come. You can take a step back in time and read about the history of The McKendree Review as it celebrates its 100th year anniversary. Several past editors share what it was like to be a part of the campus-based newspaper. Learn about the newspaper’s many iterations and what the future holds for the publication.

Finally, new and returning Bearcats alike will be delighted to notice a few changes made to our campus over the past few months, especially the renovations made to the second floor of Holman Library.

The renovations are set to be complete by late August, making the library a modern, technologyrich space in which students can gather, learn, give presentations, and develop their skills. This is all part of our latest strategic plan, U.N.I.T.E.D., which will help us focus on the critical things we need to accomplish to grow and meet our students’ needs at McKendree. Read more about these exciting changes in this edition of The McKendrean.

Each day that I am on campus, I am continually humbled to be a part of this community, which constantly strives to make McKendree the wonderful place that it is today. I am looking forward to this new academic year and the joys and successes it will bring to our McKendree family. Today and always, through the efforts and support of many, I remain proud to be a Bearcat!

Together, We Are One McKendree!

Daniel C. Dobbins ’81

President | McKendree University