Chi Omega Leadership

 "Realistically, leadership is a matter of development. Alpha Phi Omega develops leaders, and we are very proud of that. As we grow, we seek qualities of leadership, and throughout our lives, we pursue the development of those qualities and the development of other 'well-rounding' qualities. Through our leadership development program in Alpha Phi Omega, we are able to develop ourselves. And, as we aspire to greater things in life, we become aware of limiting factors - which we can't control, the external forces that shape our destiny until we control and develop what we have inside of us. We discover our own talents and strive to better our skills. We study, we learn, we practice." - Taken from

President- The president of APO is in charge of making sure everything within the chapter runs smoothly. He or she makes sure that all the other positions are doing their jobs and runs the meetings.

Vice President of Service- The VP of service plans all of the service activities. It is an important position since APO is a service fraternity. He or she also fills in for president if the president is unable to make the meeting.

Vice President of Membership- The VP of Membership is responsible for generating interest in APO among students and addressing the concerns of current members. He or she also trains the pledges and assists them though the pledging process.

Vice President of Brotherhood- The VP of Brotherhood plans fun activities and events for the chapter. He or she promotes bonding and brotherhood among members.

Vice President of Leadership- The VP of Leadership is responsible for developing Leadership opportunities and workshops for the chapter. The sole focus of the VP of Leadership is to further develop the leadership qualities of the brothers of the chapter.

Vice President of Finance- The VP of Finance is in charge of keeping track of the chapter's money. He or she makes sure that all the members have paid their dues. Also, the chair works hard to organize events to get our organization money. He or she plans lots of different fundraisers to help our chapter pay everything it does.

Secretary/Historian- The secretary/historian helps keep everything organized. He or she takes notes during meetings and sends out the minutes to the chapter. As historian they are in charge of taking photos at events for the scrapbook and website.

Sergeant at Arms- The Sergeant at Arms is charged with keeping the chapter in check. He or she makes sure that the meetings stay on track and that the members are being respectful. This position is also the one who counts votes for the chapter.

Inter-Chapter Relations (ICR)- The ICR chair is the one who keeps in contact with other chapters. He or she plans events with other chapters in the area and promotes this chapters events at other schools.

Public Relations- The PR chair's job is to promote APO's fundraisers and service events. He or she acts as a spokesperson for the chapter and markets it to the rest of the campus.

Webmaster- The webmaster is in charge of updating the website. They are also in charge of the chapter's Facebook page and use it to send out reminders to the chapter and to friend new pledges.

Alumni/Advisor Chair- The Alumni Chair communicates with the chapter's alumni and advisors when necessary. He or she is responsible for sending out newsletters about the chapter to alumni and organizing alumni events and to keep advisors informed about current events.


Alpha Phi Omega Chi Omega Advisor - Craig Robertson

Advisor - Craig Robertson


Dr. Ann Collins

Advisor - Dr. Ann Collins