Why I Love APO!


Several members of APO Chi-Omega were asked why they love APO and here are their responses!


~ Andrew Wagner

"Because it has helped me make some awesome friends"

~ Taylor Rossi


"I love APO because everyone is loving, comfortable, and accepting of each other. I have grown so much as a leader and a person because of this organization. I am so thankful that I checked it out." 

~ Christina Burden

"I love how everyone is so open and outgoing. I feel like I am apart of another family, like I

~ Connie Lyles

"APO has brought me a lot of friendships that I never would have made if I hadn't joined. It also gives me the chance to do many different kinds of service, and help a lot of people."

~ McKenna Scaturro


Be a Leader, Be a Friend, Be of Service!