Debaters Finish 2nd in the Nation

Ben Reid & Ian ReynoldsBen Reid ’13, an international relations major from Kansas City, Mo., and Ian Reynolds ’13, a political science major from Shiloh, Ill., ended their McKendree debate career on a high note, leading the team to its two best ever national tournament performances. At the National Parliamentary Debate Association (NPDA) championship in March, Ben and Ian advanced to the final round and took second place. The McKendree squad finished second in team sweepstakes, competing against 49 other schools including the University of Miami, the University of California at Los Angeles, and the University of Colorado.

Ben and Ian placed third at the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence (NPTE). Three other pairs qualified to compete at the NPTE: Mat Myles ’14 and Brad Thomas ’14, Sarah DeBruyckere ’14 and Brent Nicholson ’14, and Lucas Barker ’14 and Alex Cunningham ’14.

Joe Blasdel ’00, debate and individual events coach, is duly proud of his team. “We had an incredible nationals run,” he said. “This is the best team performance we’ve ever had at NPTE and NPDA - but it’s the research and practice that occurred before the tournaments that made the difference. It was great to see Ben and Ian - two individuals who have represented this team and University with excellence and integrity - finish their careers in a major national final round.”