Model UN Advisor Retires

Dr. Jim DohleDr. Jim Dohle helped shape McKendree’s Model United Nations program since its first conference in 1972. The newly retired social studies department head at Christian Brothers College in St. Louis was a cornerstone of McKendree’s Model U.N. program.

“We rely heavily on our high school advisors for advice about running the program, and Dr. Dohle has been an invaluable contributor,” said Dr. Brian Frederking ’90, professor of political science.

Ben Pollard ’13, from Lebanon, Ill., who coordinated the 2013 Model U.N. high school conference, agreed. “He understands that it is a great educational tool for students and always makes sure that learning is the goal. His helpful insight into topics for each session, and suggestions over the years, has helped shape and better the McKendree Model U.N. Program.”

Jim described Model U.N. as “a contact sport” as he reminisced about its early years at McKendree. “In its inception we had sessions through Saturday morning and students were offered the opportunity to sleep over in the dorms,” he said. “General Assembly sessions were held in the old Bearcat Gym, something left over from World War II. Sessions were intense and volatile. This was during the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Arab [delegation] nations walked out. It was great fun.”

Throughout its 41-year history at McKendree, the program has grown to play a vital role in building relationships with local high schools and recruiting new students. Currently more than 300 students from 16 high schools participate on campus twice a year. At the collegiate conference level, Model U.N. also enables some of McKendree’s more politically engaged students to further their skills in diplomacy.