The Value of a McKendree Education

McKendree's Quality Infographic

A college degree from McKendree University is a valuable investment.

We are committed to creating a vibrant, diverse community of effective leaders who think globally, act ethically and create enduring value for society.

As illustrated above, the value of a McKendree education is demonstrated through our generous financial aid packages, wide variety of academic programs, numerous extracurricular and athletic opportunities, top-notch faculty and flexible learning options.

Over the past decade we have experienced substantial growth both academically and physically. Enrollment has grown from 1,670 in 2003 to 3,250 in 2012. This fall the University will enroll a record-setting 30 percent more first-year students.

New degrees are offered in pre-engineering, global studies, leadership in sport and exercise science, athletic equipment management, palliative care (master’s), higher education administrative services (master’s) and curriculum design and instruction (doctorate), to name a few.

Expanded outreach, academic support and financial aid programs have been developed to help students from all backgrounds realize the opportunity to enroll in college and complete their degree. The McKendree Firsts program, launched in 2009, combines academic, personal and financial support to first-generation students in rural communities and on military bases in Illinois and Kentucky. In 2012, McKendree Online was initiated to provide the University’s high quality experience to non-traditional students who are unable to attend one of our campuses or off-campus locations.

The Lebanon campus footprint has grown from 109 to 235 acres in ten years and includes new construction of a residence hall, an apartment building at McKendree West and the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts; the purchase of Bearcat Hall, The Hills Golf Club and ten adjacent office properties; major renovations at Ames Dining Hall, 1828, the Bookstore and Melvin Price Convocation Center; and leased properties for the McKendree Gallery of Art and McKendree South apartments. McKendree is currently pursuing several ambitious projects intended to enhance the campus in order to improve the aesthetics, increase academic opportunities and change the overall campus life experience for our students. These projects include a proposed recreation center, science building, weight center, wrestling room and library renovations.