The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Winter 2023

A Message from President Dobbins

President Dobbins with StudentsDear Campus Community, Alumni and Friends of McKendree,

As we welcomed the third largest first-year class in our University’s history this fall, we have been taking steps to ensure that our beautiful institution continues to provide a high-quality educational experience to all current and future Bearcats. These steps are coming to fruition thanks to our newest strategic plan called U.N.I.T.E.D.

This multi-pronged strategic plan serves as both a beacon and an engine for McKendree. It will be critical in driving our efforts and defining our paths to where we aspire to be as the University comes into its third century in 2028. In this edition of The McKendrean, we will highlight the first letter of U.N.I.T.E.D. and discuss the amazing work that has already been achieved so far.

Throughout its history, McKendree has seen excellence emerge and positively affect the world in many ways. Our annual Alumni Award ceremony, which takes place during our Homecoming week in October, shines a brilliant spotlight on the alumni, faculty and staff who have helped shape McKendree, our surrounding communities and beyond with the knowledge and gifts they cultivated during their time here. Read about this year’s winners of these prestigious awards.

It is hard to believe that we will soon be celebrating McKendree’s 195th birthday on February 20. This Founders Day will also serve as a springboard in which we will begin counting down to our bicentennial. I eagerly anticipate what the future holds for the University, and I am continuously inspired by our faculty and staff members who tirelessly work to shape our community and make McKendree the incredible institution that it is today. Today and always, through the efforts and support of many, I remain proud to be a Bearcat!

Together, We Are One McKendree!

Daniel C. Dobbins '81

President | McKendree University