The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Winter 2023

It's Purple Friday!


Grizzlies Game on July 15, 2022

Grizzlies Game on July 15, 2022: Pictured from l. to r.: Kaylee Darnall ’18; Dr. Julie Smirl;
Brandi-Brown Harris, M.A. ’10; Lauren Reeves ’17; Julia (Surdyke) Hunt ’16 and
Nathan Hunt ’15.


Homecoming Basketball Alumni Day on Oct. 29, 2022

Homecoming Basketball Alumni Day on Oct. 29, 2022: Several women’s basketball alumni
joined current players and coaches at a basketball reunion during the Homecoming tailgate,
including: Kari (Crnkovich) Crask ’96; Brittany Willis ’14; Caty (Ponce) Happe ’16;
Madison Hart ’20; Jordan Heberg ’20; Megan Jensen ’20 and Madison Parker ’20.


Fall Meetup at Halftime Pub & Grill

Fall Meetup at Halftime Pub & Grill on Aug. 27, 2022: Several alumni met for food, drinks,
music and great company. Samuel James ’12, MBA ’21 and Erin (Kilian) James ’13 and Jimmy
Vollmer and Kelli (Snyder) Vollmer ’12 are co-owners of Halftime Pub & Grill in St. Peters, Mo.
Those in attendance, pictured from l. to r. and front to back, include: Eric Polka ’11;
Brandi Brown-Harris, M.A. ’10; Annabelle Hedtkamp ’10; Ashley Reeves ’11 & ’16; Erin;
Rianne Holzmeyer ’16; Erika (Smith-Thomas) Rice ’13, MBA ’16; and Janelle Woods ’16.
Second row: Chandler Airaghi; Sarah (Eckelkamp) McIntyre ’12; Danni (Warren) Schroeder
’13; Meghan (McQuiston) Zinck ’11; Kelli; and Samantha Wiley. Third row: Scott Genz;
Samuel; Sean Mueller ’11 and Jimmy. Not pictured: Katie (Doherty) Neal ’13.


Purple Friday on Nov. 18, 2022 at Kreitner Elementary School

Purple Friday on Nov. 18, 2022 at Kreitner Elementary School: Pictured, front row from l. to
r.: Nicole (Basarich) Lane and Krista (Waltermire) Basuel ’07, M.A.Ed. ’12. Back row: Alissa
Fuhrmann, philanthropic engagement officer; John Parciak ’14; Lori Drake ’10; Mary Lowe,
M.A.Ed. ’08 and Brandi Brown-Harris, M.A. ’10, annual philanthropy and alumni engagement
specialist. Not pictured: Jennifer (Stroot) Eschmann ’14, M.A.Ed. ’17.


Purple Friday on Nov. 10, 2022 at Edward Fulton Junior High School

Purple Friday on Nov. 10, 2022 at Edward Fulton Junior High School: Pictured
from l. to r.: Ashley (Nolan) Fix ’11; Jacqulyn (Spencer) Nagel ’13 and Courtenay
Martin-Woods ’06.


Purple Friday on Nov. 10, 2022 at Edward Fulton Junior High School

Kenlea Meeker; Marguerite Rousseau, MAT ’20; Jana (Fournie) Vasquez ’96;
Jessica Wright ’11 and Dr. Alex Herrell, M.A.Ed. ’10, Ed.S. ’16, Ed.D. ’18.