The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Winter 2023

Time, Talent, & Treasure

Michael “Mike” Howie ’71

Photo of Michael “Mike” Howie ’71
We are honored to recognize Michael “Mike” Howie ’71, who passed away in December 2020 and left behind an incredible legacy of time, talent, and treasure. Originally from Chester, Ill., Mike graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. While on campus, he was a member of the faculty/student committee on student life, faculty/student discipline committee, psychology club, and the inter-society council. He was also a resident assistant, student congress representative and vice president and president of Ferox, (Phi Rho Chi). He went on to graduate with a master’s degree from the University of Richmond in Richmond, Va.

Mike worked for the State of Illinois as the director of forensic services for 30 years until his retirement in 2002. He then worked with the Hope Institute as the director of support services until 2013. Mike traveled (with many of his Ferox fraternity brothers) to all seven continents and was a supporter of the National Park Association. He was active in the Ferox fraternity at McKendree as both a student and alum. He often organized homecoming and other alumni gatherings throughout the country with his Ferox brothers.

Mike was a loyal and consistent donor to his alma mater. In all, he financially supported McKendree University for 36 years, contributing to various campaigns as well as making gifts to the Hett, Athletics (basketball), and the Annual Fund. Creating a legacy through philanthropy was clearly important to Mike. At his passing, a gift was made from his estate. The gift will fund an endowed scholarship in his name to support current and future Bearcats. Additionally, a room in Voigt Science Hall will be named in his memory once the first phase of the renovation project is complete.