The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Winter 2024

5 Minutes with a McKendrean

Photo of Joni Bastian

Joni Bastian

Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students

Throughout the years, McKendree’s faculty and staff members make their own unique mark on the university and the community, shaping students’ lives and helping them on the path to success. Dr. Joni Bastian, vice president for student affairs and one of the university’s most beloved staff members, has been serving the campus community and making plenty of positive changes for 34 years. 




What’s your favorite part of the school year?

I enjoy the second day of New Student Orientation when my staff and I welcome the entire first-year class in our “Bearcat Way – Student Expectations” session. The students listen intently as I tell them they must add water to the mac ‘n’ cheese, so they don’t burn our residence halls down!


What makes McKendree special to you?

Definitely the people! I have worked with so many talented faculty, staff, and students during my tenure. I have been blessed to always have a resilient, hardworking, and fun staff working together in Student Affairs.


Why have you chosen to serve McKendree for 34 years?

I wanted to work where I could make a difference in students’ lives; I have always felt that I could do that at McKendree. Plus, I always enjoyed coming to work! Over the years, students hung out in the offices in Student Affairs. Students shared so many funny stories that often made me laugh so hard that the classes on the third floor of Clark Hall could hear me laughing!


How did your McKendree journey begin? 

My McKendree journey started in 1972 when my family moved from Belleville, Ill., to Lebanon. As a kid, I spent many hours on McKendree’s campus watching the graduation ceremonies on the front lawn, playing tennis on the courts, or practicing my tumbling on Hypes Field.


I was taught that if I worked hard and volunteered to take on projects, good things would happen in my career. It surely did. Soon after I started at McKendree, I was promoted to the assistant director of admissions. I worked with the late business professor Dr. Frank Spreng, speech professor Dr. Bill Haskins, and computer science professor Dr. Gary O’Connor and started a McKendree at Night degree program, of which I became the director.


Next, I became the director of Career Services within the Student Affairs department. It was such a delight when students shared that they received THE internship, job offer, or graduate school acceptance. My journey continued with accepting the assistant vice president and director of retention position. When I finished my Ph.D. in 2010, I moved into the vice president for student affairs, dean of students, and Title IX coordinator position that I hold today.


I have also been the cheer coach, dance team coach, University 101 instructor, and a research methods co-instructor in our graduate program. Recently, I was invited to present with McKendree’s legal counsel, Husch Blackwell, at the Education Law Association Conference. This was definitely a career highlight for me.


What are your hopes for the future? 

To live a happy and healthy retirement with my husband, Mike, and our three dogs, Jet, Winston, and Millie.


What would Bearcats be surprised to know about you?

I always have to have one of my three trains around the Christmas tree. I have two Lionel and one American Flyer train sets.


How do you like to share your Bearcat pride?

Many years ago, I started Purple Fridays on campus. Guess what my

 favorite color is? I enjoy sporting a campus organization or athletic tee 

on casual Fridays.


Favorite thing to order from Ames?

The salad bar and cheeseburgers are my favorites!


What are you reading right now?

Fortune and Glory by Janet Evanovich.