The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Winter 2024

All Aboard the Bogey Bus!

Jim Pehle '82

For Jim Pehle ’82, working at McKendree is a dream come true. He officially joined the McKendree family as a Bogey Bus driver in August 2023 and transports students around campus three times a week, which, for Jim, is “just perfect.”


“The other drivers have been great, and so has Danny Sewell ’08. I look forward to seeing the riders every day,” Jim beamed. 


Before becoming a Bearcat, Jim spent some time serving our nation in the Air Force and met his wife, Brenda (Maine) Pehle ’79, who was a student at McKendree at the time. She later worked in the alumni office after graduation, which presented Jim with the opportunity to finish his last two years of college and obtain a business administration in marketing degree at McKendree. Fast-forward 41 years later and Jim is back on campus helping students get to their classes, practices, and meet-ups through the Bogey Bus.


“I love interacting with the students,” Jim said. “I like to engage with people and learn where they’re from, what their favorite activities are, and get a general idea of what’s happening on campus. Being able to communicate with people from literally all over the world and talking to them about sports and their activities has been a real pleasure. I’m meeting some great young people, and this has been another opportunity for me to wear purple and be involved!”


McKendree has certainly changed since Jim was a student, and he enjoys sharing his college experiences with current Bearcats. “Students today have a hard time picturing our campus without the Piper Academic Building, the new dorms, Leemon Field, the Hett, and the Melvin Price Convocation Center. They don’t realize how modern and how wonderful things have become. McKendree has always been a great campus and still is,” Jim remarked. 


One thing that hasn’t changed since Jim’s time as a Bearcat: the friendliness and kindness of others on campus. “The attitudes and friendliness of these young people have been extraordinary! I wasn’t expecting them to be so warm!” he remarked. Another thing students might not know: Jim used to work as McKendree’s sports information director as a student in 1982 with Harry Statham ’60 and some of McKendree’s past legends!


“I also like to play KDHX 88.1 on the Bogey Bus all the time,” Jim said. “They play a lot of Brazilian music, international music, blues, and more. 

I always ask the students if it’s too loud, but so far, so good!”