The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree University - Winter 2024

Welcome to Maria's McKendree

Maria Salomao


International relations major. Tennis star. SGA President. 
Meet Maria and see her take on McKendree.


Taking that first step in attending a college of your choice can feel both exciting and daunting, even for a local student. As an international student, however, the experience often involves a speeding rollercoaster of emotions – the thrill and challenge of gaining an education in an all-new country coupled with overwhelming homesickness. It takes a lot of courage and heart to step outside of the borders one calls home, which is just what senior Maria Vitoria Salomao has done.


“I heard about McKendree from some Brazilian students I knew on campus here and a recruiting agency. I became a new Maria here!” she said.


To stave off homesickness, Maria has brought several pictures of her family and friends to campus, along with any letters they may send her. She also takes time every day to talk to her family, which includes her dad (her hero), her mom (who is the very best), and her older brother (who works in another state in Brazil) and her little sister (who is playing tennis at a university in Pennsylvania). She often shares stories with them about what’s happening at McKendree. 


“They feel comfortable knowing that I’m here,” she said.


Homesickness didn’t stick around long for Maria, however. The people around her – fellow students, faculty, and staff at all levels – have welcomed her from the start.


“McKendree became my second home because every time I felt homesick, people on campus made me feel better,” she said. “The people around me showed me that I’m not alone and that they’re here for not just me but also each other.

McKendree is a warm environment; people are very receptive if you take advantage of what campus has to offer. This is especially true for international students – there are always people offering support and trying to make them feel at home.”


This feeling isn’t exclusive to Maria; international students throughout the world who call McKendree home have also experienced the university’s enduring hospitality. There are plenty of events organized on campus throughout the year that help make students from other countries feel at home, including many put on by the Student Government Association (SGA) – an organization of which Maria is the president. 


One such event was the International Meal Day in Ames Dining Hall on Oct. 25, which gave international students the opportunity to share their culture and food with the campus community. 


“It was a wonderful shared experience. I got the chance to cook with my friends from Brazil and get together with other international students,” Maria said. “Experiences like this are why SGA puts on as many events as possible – to offer support for international students.”



Maria Salomao on the Tennis Court

An international relations major from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Maria knew that she wanted to attend college in the United States. A few important must-haves were included on her college wish list: strong academic programs, a good tennis team, close proximity to a major city, and plenty of international students on campus. 


This hospitality and support also extends to Maria’s athletic life as a Bearcat. She often sees several members of the campus community come out to cheer on the women’s tennis team and other athletic teams.

“It feels really good when the president, faculty, and staff come to my games to support my team and me,” she said.


Maria herself is the epitome of McKendree culture: dedicated, involved, and welcoming. She is not only the president of SGA and a member of the women’s tennis team, but she is also a resident assistant for New Residence Hall West (second floor) and works for both the mailroom and the office of Development, Alumni, and Parent Relations. She is also the McKendree Vice Chair of the Illinois Board of Higher Education and hopes to contribute in improving mental health issues on campus. Should you meet Maria on any given day 

on campus, she will often be the first to greet you with a smile, a “How are you?” and open arms. 


“This is the life I wanted to have in college – to be involved, get outside of my comfort zone, and experience different things. I want to make a difference,” Maria said.


Indeed, Maria has made her mark on McKendree and created special memories that she will always carry with her. Playing and traveling together with her team for tennis matches stands out as a core memory from her time at McKendree, along with giving a speech welcoming and encouraging new Bearcats during convocation this fall.


“When I see that my efforts are making a difference on campus, I feel good about it,” Maria remarked. “I also love the people here. It’s one of the gifts that college gives you – the people.”


After graduation, Maria plans on applying to graduate school and finding a summer job or internship in America. She will be playing her fifth year of tennis as well. Following grad school, she plans on participating in an optional practical training (OPT) and then seeing where life takes her. Along the way, she will carry all the lessons that McKendree has taught her: strong leadership, great teamwork, a thirst for lifelong learning, and caring about the human side of people.


“It’s about doing your best and treating everyone the same. You need to trust the process and be present every day. There is always an opportunity waiting for you!” Maria said.