U.N.I.T.E.D.: McKendree University Strategic Plan
April 6, 2022
For over 190 years, McKendree University has adapted to changes in education, culture,
economics, and technology. Recent years have been no exception. In the last five years,
McKendree has experienced a presidential transition, an increase in staff and faculty
retirements, shifting student needs, technology changes, and a global pandemic. What
remains unchanged is McKendree’s dedication to delivering a high-quality education
to our students. This strategic plan navigates the inevitable continuum of stability
and change. We plan to increase enrollment by offering an affordable, high-quality
experience that appeals to students in the region and internationally, for first-year
and transfer students, undergraduate and graduate students, and in-person and online
formats. We will build upon our traditional liberal arts foundation while preparing
students to succeed and lead in their chosen professions. We will raise the resources
needed to maintain the historical heart of campus while making forward-thinking updates
to our technological infrastructure and campus facilities. We will enter the university’s
third century united as One McKendree.
The U.N.I.T.E.D. Plan
Guiding Principles for our Work
Measurable and data-driven (dashboard)
Achievable and advancing
Realistic/relevant and important (What is truly important to McKendree University?)
Timeframe: Balance short-term immediate needs and long-term (5 year) goals
McK Strategic Plan Steps/Timeline
February 2020: President Dobbins invites individuals to be involved in the strategic planning process
March 5, 2020: President Dobbins names the Strategic Planning Committee and launches the Strategic Plan Survey
March-August, 2020: Focus on COVID 19 and McKendree safety
August 8, 2020: Introductory presentation to the BOT
Online Survey for board, staff, faculty, and student input
September 9, 2020: First Strategic Planning Committee meeting
November 7, 2020: Board Meeting update
February 3, 2021: Open meeting (faculty and staff)
February 5, 2021: Board Meeting update
February 8, 2021: Meeting with students SGA
Spring 2021: Revise, edit, format
May 19, 2021: Academic Retreat update
June 9, 2021: President’s Cabinet Retreat
August 14, 2021: Board Meeting
Spring 2022: Completion of 2021-2026 strategic plan
April 6, 2022: Town Hall presentation
Spring 2022: Website with process and high-level themes
Ongoing work and updates on progress (Dashboard)
September 2022: Higher Learning Commission Year Four Assurance Review