Diversity and Equity

StudentsWe seek to promote justice and equity on our campus and beyond. McKendree will create a campus community that reflects the diversity of the broader community and provides opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to work toward greater justice, equity, and inclusion.  

Goal 1: Align the racial and ethnic diversity of our faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees with the racial and ethnic diversity of our student body.

  • Increase the diversity of students, faculty, staff, and Board members each year until that percentage reflects the diversity of the students.

Goal 2: Require employees to participate in professional development opportunities regarding cultural competence and inclusive practices.

  • Develop activities for employees that foster cultural competence and inclusivity.

  • Conduct regular evaluation of cultural and inclusivity activities so that they can be updated and augmented with new opportunities.

Goal 3: Provide students with curricular and co-curricular opportunities to learn about diverse communities.

  • Integrate cultural competence and inclusive practice modules for UNI 101 students.

  • Use the Center for Community Service to increase opportunities for students to be involved with diverse populations.

  • Increase the Social Justice and Equity Conversations programming and participation in the programming.

  • Use the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and Student Exit Survey to monitor and increase student inclusiveness and engagement with diversity.

  • Increase opportunities for cultural immersion trips and student participation in the trips.

Goal 4. Establish a Center for Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice to provide resources and coordinate funding opportunities designed to encourage social understanding and educated citizenship.

  • Create a Center for Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Webpage, logo, and mission statement.

  • Establish Center activities, student leadership positions, student scholarships, and grants available to faculty, staff, and students.