Updates and Modernization

Science CenterWe seek to ensure that the University’s physical and virtual spaces serve its mission to provide a high-quality educational experience. McKendree will improve buildings, classrooms, and technology infrastructure to meet the current and future needs of learners while preserving the historic core of the Lebanon campus.  

Goal 1: Establish and implement a campus master plan.


  • Form a Campus Master Planning Committee made up of a variety of campus stakeholders to establish and execute a process to annually review the use of university-owned buildings and property and make recommendations to the President’s Cabinet and Board of Trustees.

  • Create a campus master plan that considers the best use of campus facilities and grounds, deferred maintenance, and preservation of historic structures.

  • Develop a timeline that clearly identifies short-term and long-term routine maintenance (e.g., painting, replacement of furniture, etc.).

Goal 2: Improve the student experience with updated buildings.


  • Update the science building and move forward with other capital projects outlined in the Forward campaign.

  • Renovate academic spaces to be more modern, accessible, and energy efficient. 

  • Improve at least one academic space per summer. 

  • Upgrade buildings’ technology infrastructure.

  • Create a multi-functional technology-enhanced space in the library for face-to-face and online meetings.