Letter from the Alumni Director

Hi Bearcats!

With each year, we rededicate ourselves to our mission to connect McKendree alumni with one another and with our beloved University. The McKendree University Alumni Association is about being a part of a great and enduring community, ensuring the future while honoring the past and engaging the present. Our goal is to expand the community of alumni who come together to forge new friendships with fellow Bearcats and to deepen the lifelong relationships formed during the journey.

Alumni Association members enjoy a rich assortment of programs and services that make membership a valuable and rewarding experience. We’re about adventure and lifelong learning through travel, building memories with family, and growing your career through professional development webinars and networking opportunities. Ongoing events bring together alumni and friends who take on important current events in our society and at our University. It’s about ensuring we continue to produce the world’s greatest scholars.

Yes, we’re getting older. However, we’re getting so much better. We serve nearly 25,000 graduates, and we are growing. I’m excited! There’s no better time to be part of this wonderful community of fellow Bearcats. It’s about fun, it’s about learning and growth, and it’s about ensuring McKendree’s future as a leading university in the world. Visit us online to find even more reasons to be a part of the Alumni Association and our alumni events—and bring a friend.

Go Bearcats!

PJ Thompson, M.A.Ed. '17




What’s new with you?

Share your professional accomplishments, such as job changes, promotions and awards, or personal milestones, such as advanced degrees earned, marriages or births. Let us know! Submit a class note to alumni@mckendree.edu and be featured in the next Magazine.

Interested in Volunteering?

The Alumni Association Board sponsors several networking opportunities throughout the year for alumni to connect not only with one another but also with students.