Newman Fellow Advocates for All

Ebony LusterEbony Luster wants to ensure all students on campus feel safe, appreciated and included. “I work to uplift everyone, whether I am directly affected by the issue I am fighting for or not,” said the senior secondary education-English major. “By working with others, I believe that you gain perspective and understand diversity of thinking.”

She is among 262 U.S. college students selected as a 2019 Newman Civic Fellow by Campus Compact. The national non-profit coalition awards fellowships annually to students who, like Ebony, promote awareness of social justice issues to improve their campuses and communities. The one-year fellowship emphasizes personal, professional and civic growth for those who demonstrate leadership and commitment to solving public problems.

Ebony transferred to McKendree in 2015 and became involved as a student ambassador and social justice leader. Her understanding of diversity and intersectionality grew as she attended workshops on race and inclusion, sexual assault and disability rights. She educates her peers in hopes that caring for others is an important part of campus culture. As a Newman Fellow, she has access to more learning and networking opportunities, including a national conference in partnership with the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate.

Ebony received the 2019 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award for compassion, understanding, tolerance and service. She will serve as the 2019-2020 Student Government Association vice president and continue her involvement with the Black Student Organization, United Feminists, and Leadership for Minorities in Education.