A Class Act

Seanior Class Gift Check Presented to Dr. DennisThe presentation of a monetary gift made by the graduating senior class is a time-honored University tradition. A Senior Class Gift (SCG) Committee forms each year to help teach students the importance of philanthropy and to grow excitement about giving back to benefit future students. The SCG campaign benefits the Annual Fund, supporting student scholarship and services, academic instruction and other areas of greatest need.

The 2019 committee worked very hard to encourage each classmate to make a gift of $20.19. They texted, e-mailed, “snail-mailed,” hosted multiple tables on campus, and spread the word on social media to share their enthusiasm. Their efforts culminated with the presentation of $2,396.10 on behalf of the Class of 2019 at the May 10 Senior Farewell Service.

“I was especially excited about making my senior class gift because it was one small way I could show my appreciation to the University that has opened so many doors for me and has presented me with opportunities to grow both personally and professionally,” said Naeelah Chism ’19. Joining her on stage were other SCG Committee members Jordan Morton ’19, Mindy Ritchey ’19, Megan Rudolphi ’19 and Katera Smith ’19, with President James Dennis.