Alumni Board Profile

Bobbie Schweiger ’11, MBA ’13by Stephanie (Coartney) Dulaney ’10

Bobbie Schweiger ’11, MBA ’13
knew from the moment she visited campus that there was something special about McKendree. Although she was not able to experience it until more than a decade later, she discovered the same tight-knit community was still waiting to welcome her when she returned as a non-traditional student in her 30s.

“Coming back to campus was like meeting a long lost friend; you pick up where you left off.”

“I loved McKendree since I first visited as a high school student,” she said. “It wasn’t the right time for me to go to college then, but I returned in 2010. Coming back to campus was like meeting a long lost friend; you pick up where you left off. It was a family. It was home.”

Bobbie majored in business administration and chose to minor in psychology after enjoying the introduction course. “The psychology minor was the smartest thing I did,” she said. “I learned how to interact with people and put yourself in someone else’s shoes. It helped me take a more personal approach to interacting with my co-workers.”

Her McKendree experience, however, not only benefitted her career. It gave her a new perspective on life. As part of a community service project for one class, she helped special needs children ride horses for therapy. Another favorite memory involved a powerful program on abusive relationship awareness.

After earning her MBA, Bobbie was hired at Enterprise Holdings in St. Louis. Her position in the car sales division keeps her busy conducting employee trainings and organizing the yearly national sales meeting of more than 500 Enterprise associates. Such a fun and challenging job, she says, is just one result of her McKendree education.

Bobbie decided to start giving financially to the University because she knew how important it was to pass along the same opportunities to future generations of students. “Giving helps preserve that family tie. It is just like sharing your love and resources with a family member. Without alumni donations and time volunteered, McKendree would not be able to compete like it does today.”

Bobbie joined the McKendree Alumni Board in 2015, and she says her favorite part is the collaborative nature of the group. New ideas are always welcome and she has discovered another layer of the campus community in a group that is just as passionate as she is about preserving the McKendree experience. Organizing and implementing events, such as Homecoming, that families of all ages can enjoy is immensely rewarding to Bobbie. “When you are part of the Alumni Board, you are not only giving your time; you are giving of yourself, too,” she said.