McKendree Rec Plex

by Stephanie (Coartney) Dulaney ’10

McKendree Rec Plex Swimming Pool
One of the newest and largest additions to the Metro East region, the recently opened McKendree Metro Rec Plex is an impressive full-service sports complex for visitors and members of all ages. It’s also home to McKendree’s latest athletic teams: ice hockey, water polo, and swimming and diving.

With two NHL-sized ice rinks and a 10-lane NCAA collegiate swimming pool, the Rec Plex gives the new Bearcat teams the perfect venue for showcasing their talent on the ice and in the water. Its prime location at 205 Rec Plex Drive in O’Fallon, Ill. is just four miles from McKendree’s Lebanon campus, making it the ideal spot for team practices and home contests. Bearcat fans can also enjoy the state-of-the-art facility as they cheer on their favorite teams with plenty of spacious seating for spectators.

In addition to McKendree sports, the Rec Plex offers a wide variety of fitness classes, including yoga, kickboxing, and water aerobics, as well as kids’ swimming, hockey and ice-skating lessons. That connection to the community makes the Rec Plex stand out as a center for sports, fun activities, and physical well-being in Southern Illinois. For more information, visit the McKendree Metro Rec Plex website at


McKendree Metro Rec Plex Ice Rink



Brianna Mullalley Playing Water Polo
Brianna Mullalley: Women's Water Polo

First-year psychology major from Chula Vista, Calif.

California Interscholastic Federation San Diego Section D III Champion 2015

Four-time Junior Olympic participant with the San Diego Shores club team

When did you first start playing water polo?

I started playing my first year of high school in 2013. I swam competitively for about 10 years, and when I saw another sport that involved being in water, I decided to check it out.

What is the most challenging part of water polo?

The most challenging part is the training we have to do in order to stay in shape.

Do you have any pre-game rituals for good luck?

This may seem strange, but I need to have a chocolate chip bagel the day of a tournament or game. I do not know how this started, but it has become somewhat of a pregame ritual for me.

What is one thing most people do not know about you?

I am Mexican and Vietnamese.

What has it been like to move from Chula Vista, California, to Lebanon, Illinois?

It has definitely been a transition, but it has been an overall great experience so far. Illinois is completely different from California not only in the sense of weather, but also people. Everyone is so much nicer and welcoming here than back home. As much as I miss California, I do not regret my decision to leave for college.

What is your favorite...

Movie: Gone Girl

Sports team: San Diego Padres

Place to visit: The beach



Josh Lamb Swimming
Josh Lamb: Swimming

Senior political science major from Conroe, Texas

Qualified for the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team Trials in 200m and 100m breaststroke

What is the best part for you about swimming? What is the most challenging?

I just really love to race. Win or lose, getting a personal best is such a great feeling. The hardest part is probably getting into the pool for a morning workout. Knowing that I am about to be freezing cold for the next few hours is tough to embrace.

What were some of the goals you wanted to accomplish at McKendree?

My primary goal was to help create a winning culture and give my teammates the best guidance I could. Being the only senior on a brand new team was an interesting position to be in, but I wanted to help build a foundation of success for future Bearcats to use in order to move forward.

What was it like to compete in the U.S. Olympic Team Tryouts and where do you see your passion for swimming taking you after graduation?

It was an amazing experience! After graduation, I hope to train at least four more years to have one more shot at making an olympic team. It means a lot to me to see others improve, so I think coaching (hopefully at the collegiate level) is my true calling in this sport.

How did you hear about McKendree?

When I heard that Coach Tierney was hired, that definitely caught my attention. the small school vibe was something I really liked after transferring from a huge school.

What is your favorite...

Hobby: Making and listening to music. I am also a big movie buff.

Movie: Good Will Hunting

Professional sports team: Houston Texans



 Delayne Ivanowski Playing Ice Hockey

Delayne Ivanowski: Women's Ice Hockey


First-year health and wellness major from Kirkwood, Missouri

St. Louis AAA Lady Blues 19U Team

Won Gateway Classic Pool in Field Hockey

What motivated you to start playing ice hockey?

My brother, Dawson, loved hockey. Even when he was diagnosed with a rare cancer called neuroblastoma, his love for hockey did not diminish. He attended every practice and only missed a few games. Once he passed away at eight years old, I told my parents I wanted to start playing hockey to carry on his dream. Nine years old is very late for most kids to start playing hockey, but I fell in love with the sport and pushed myself to be as great as I could be. Every time I step out onto the ice, I know he is on my shoulders watching over me and making sure I do my best. I now write ‘Just look up’ on my stick blade tape every time I re-tape my stick.

What made you want to come to McKendree?

I was looking to stay close to home, and once I came to campus, I was taken away by its beauty. It is small and just fit me perfectly. My best experience here is meeting new people. Everyone is so friendly and most people will say hi when they walk by.

What is your favorite...

Hobby: Photography

Food: Pasta is wonderful. I really enjoy Chicken Fettucine Alfredo and Panda Express.

Place to visit: Niagara Falls. Traveling with hockey brought me there about five times. Each time I saw it, it was as breathtaking as the first time.



Travis Bobb Playing Ice Hockey


Travis Bobb: Men's Ice Hockey

Undecided major from New York, New York

Forward on McKendree’s D II Squad

Previously played for the Vancouver Rangers Junior A Team

When did you first start playing ice hockey?

I started playing hockey when I was in sixth grade, which was kind of a late start. I joined a program in New York City known as Ice Hockey in Harlem. A former New York Ranger hockey player started the program for minority kids who did not even know hockey was a sport.

What is your favorite part about hockey?

My favorite part about hockey is being on a team where everyone is willing to put their own body on the line for the guy next to him.

Who in your life has left the biggest impact on you as an athlete?

My hockey coach in high school and my karate instructor. Even though they do not know each other, they both never let me quit and helped me become the person I am today.

What do you like most about McKendree?

The small student body is what really attracted me. The best part so far is getting to see different people’s views on life.

What has it been like to move all the way from New York, to Lebanon, Illinois?

I love the quiet neighborhood here. It reminds me of when I was in boarding school. I am able to get the chance to meet new friends and talk to my teachers if needed.

What is one thing most people do not know about you?

I have a black belt in GOJU.

What is your favorite...

Food: Oatmeal

Movie: The Pursuit of Happyness

Professional sports team: New York Rangers