President's Message

President's Wedding PhotoDear Friends,

Our attention at the University since last April has been to bring awareness to our alumni, parents and friends about the aspirations we have for the future of our University. The last issue of The Magazine for McKendree devoted a section to FORWARD: The Campaign for McKendree University. You will find a second feature about our progress in this issue as well.

The most aggressive fundraising effort ever attempted at the University, FORWARD: The Campaign for McKendree University, now in the public phase, serves as a catalyst to gather our collective energy behind some significant needs at our University by raising $40 million. With those resources, we plan to renovate and build an addition to Voigt Science Hall; renovate Holman Library; and make significant updates to Clark, Carnegie and Old Main. All of these goals benefit our students and their academic work, which is at the core of all we do at McKendree University.

To date our progress has been significant, with a total of over $30 million raised. If you have not joined this effort by making a gift, I would personally encourage you to do so. Your support of the University has never been more critical as we strive to continue to provide state-of-the-art facilities to our students and faculty.





On a personal note, I have enjoyed the opportunity from time to time to share some personal news in this column, and I wanted you to know in keeping with our Campaign theme, I moved my life FORWARD in a significant way this winter. If you look closely, you will note a different picture in the column. I am pleased to share with the community that Dr. Cynthia Cherrey and I were married on December 28, 2016. I hope that as you visit the campus in the coming months you will have the opportunity to meet her and welcome her to McKendree! As you read the articles in the magazine, I hope you feel the same sense of pride I do at all that our collective community is accomplishing in the classroom, in athletic competition, in the arts and community service, and in their chosen careers. Thank you for all you do to continually support and nurture our extraordinary University.



James M. Dennis
