FORWARD: The Campaign for McKendree University

FORWARD: The Campaign for McKendree University

Forward Campaign logoCompelled by strong momentum following years of unprecedented growth, McKendree University launched the public phase of FORWARD: The Campaign for McKendree University, a $40 million fundraising campaign, to advance boldly into the future.

BeakersRenovation and Addition to Voigt Science Hall

It is imperative that we provide students and the excellent faculty who teach in the sciences with the tools they need to excel and to continue to attract and retain the most academically talented students.



Renovation of Holman Library

The renovation of Holman Library will provide an improved study and research environment for students and faculty, transforming the library into the center for the exchange of electronic data and information.




Endowed Scholarships

Scholarships provide access to academically talented students who otherwise would not be able to take advantage of a McKendree education.



Campus-wide Capital Improvements

A revitalization and renovation of our classroom facilities in Old Main, Clark Hall and Carnegie Hall is necessary so they can continue to meet the needs of coming generations of students.



The Annual Fund

Gifts to the Annual Fund are used to fund the programs and services of the highest priority, such as faculty and staff salaries, professional development, library acquisitions, classroom and laboratory equipment, and student co-curricular activities.


Visit the campaign website to see how investing in these areas will move McKendree Forward.

(618) 537.6456





Responding to Growth


To meet the needs of our students and keep pace with the scientific advances that drive the curriculum in college science programs, Voigt Science Hall requires significant renovations and an addition.

Campaign ChartThe renovated building will feature smaller classrooms and labs designed to allow the space to adapt to the needs of the course, dedicated student research space, conference space, a rooftop observatory, faculty offices, and informal meeting spaces that will foster interdisciplinary work and collaboration among students and faculty. The renovation will also allow the use of updated equipment and technology by upgrading the electrical capabilities of the building. Faculty and students will no longer be hindered by electrical demands of new equipment on an outdated facility.

An addition on the north end will provide a much-needed expansion to the building. It will house new, state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratory space as well as a large lecture hall appropriate for guest lecturers and distinguished speakers that visit campus.

The new design will take advantage of the notion that each room does not have to be dedicated as a lab or lecture hall. space will be multi purposed to maximize the efficiency of the building as a whole, addressing all of the university’s current needs while allowing the flexibility to expand in the future.

As programs in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics continue to grow, McKendree will need a building that can keep up with our growth—not only in the numbers of our students, but faculty as well. expansion and growth are important facets to the building renovation. Growth in technology needs mirror growth in program size, therefore this building will be outfitted with state-of-the-art teaching technology. This renovation and addition will ensure McKendree’s first-rate professors have the tools they need to provide a high quality McKendree education.

Student Working in Lab




  • Re-designed Classrooms

  • Faculty Offices

  • A Rooftop Observatory

  • Informal meeting spaces to promote group learning


Beakers and Scientific Materials



  • New Entrance and Lobby

  • Large Lecture Facility

  • Student Research Space

  • Updated Labs and Lab Preparation Room






Many students choose McKendree University because they want to be more than a number. They attend small classes, receive individualized attention from caring faculty, and have a president who calls them by name.

This desire to be more than a number does not end at graduation. Our alumni strive to make their mark on the world. If part of the McKendree experience is the desire to stand out, why are alumni asked to make a financial contribution to McKendree University each year and be part of a greater number? Because alumni support, or the alumni participation rate, is important.

Students at CommencementCalculated by dividing the total number of our alumni by the number of alumni contributing to McKendree each year, the success of McKendree University depends just as much on how many alumni donate as it does on how much they donate.

Each gift made in response to a student phonathon caller or a letter seeking a contribution is a “vote of support” for the institution.

Alumni participation rate is one of the key metrics used by U.S. News and World Report and other organizations to determine a university’s national ranking. McKendree is considered a top-tier Midwest regional university, in part, because of the alumni giving percentage.

Additionally, philanthropy spreads from the inside out. Alumni participation helps inspire foundations and major donors to get involved because it shows that McKendree University is a place worthy of their investment.

As our alumni participation rate rises, it allows McKendree University to continue the tremendous growth experienced in the last twenty years. McKendree is able to provide support to academically talented students, recruit and retain high-quality faculty, and provide diverse programs and services for our students.

However, this growth also creates a challenge. With more than 700 students, the Class of 2017 was bigger than the Class of 2007 (673 students) and significantly bigger than the Classes of 1997 (380 students), 1987 (252 students), 1977 (173 students) or 1967 (67 students).

Because of the growing alumni base, every alumnus must renew their support and more than one hundred alumni must make their first gift to McKendree each year for alumni participation to remain static. An increase by a single percentage point requires almost three hundred alumni to give back for the first time.

So, every gift made by an alumnus is so much more than just a number. They demonstrate the impact alumni can have when they join together for McKendree’s future.


Forward Giving Tuesday