Magazine for McKendree - Winter 2018

You are the Root of our Success

Roots of our Success
What is the Annual Fund?

At McKendree University, the Annual Fund is made up of thousands of individual unrestricted gifts. These gifts are used to bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of the McKendree experience. Students benefit from your annual giving from their first moments on campus and continue to receive an outstanding education and experience because of your generosity.

Power in Numbers

By making a gift of any size, you become a part of the important tradition of giving at McKendree University. Your participation is the key—by giving every year, you impact the lives of our students every day.

Give your Way

Gifts from alumni, parents, and friends provide the support that ensures our tradition of excellence. You can make a contribution to McKendree University in any of the following ways: check, credit card, electronic fund transfer or online at

Choose your Gift’s Purpose

Unrestricted gifts provide the University with the flexibility to direct your contribution where it is needed most, but you also have the option to designate your gift for a particular purpose. Funds may support student scholarships, academic instruction or capital needs.

Increase the Impact of your Gift

Many employers offer matching gift programs that will double or triple your contribution to McKendree University. To find out if your company matches gifts, please visit

Leave your Legacy at McKendree University

Recognize the importance of supporting today’s University, and ensure our mission is carried well into the future with a planned gift. Planned giving includes wills, annuities, insurance policies, trusts or bequests. Please remember McKendree University in your estate planning.

Thank you for your support!

For more information or answers to your questions, please call the Office of Development, Alumni and Parent Relations at (618) 537-6443.